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I am Viatrix Sage, Head Priestess of Sage Willow and Horn.  I am an eclectic witch.  My paths of spirituality range from Wiccan, traditional witchcraft, hoodoo, and other forms of esoteric and neo pagan studies.  

I began the university becuase I saw many seekers obtaining false, misguided or bits and pieces of information on the craft. I also found that everyone, including me, started the path pretty much with Wicca not knowning why, but it was a good start point in the path as any.  Of course, I later found, after much searching, other venues of study. That isn't the only reason.  There aren't many websites that offer detailed information on our paths in one spot, for the seeker. I decided to create studies that truly introduced the seeker to what traditions are available. I also felt that many websites didn't give enough challenge for their students. No real life situation or obstacles. Lastly, no one to interact with at all for questions or concerns.


I decided to change that.  Sage Willow and Horn University provides indepth Seeker studies and a more challenging first year curriculum than other places do.  Our students focus on  areas that others have available to second year dedicants.  Yes, I consider myself the Pre Ivy league of witch schools!  I hope you enjoy the site and feel free to contact us with any questions.

Viatrix Sage



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